Sunday 14 August 2016

The watercress juice

Watercress juice is very useful for children .

The Watercress Juice For Kids

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Moms are advised to give watercress juice for their children because

• helps to raise the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood, and the treatment of blood "anemic" anemia; it contains a high content of iron, vitamin C and other ingredients. 

• strengthens bones and prevents its fragility, and improves dental health, handles gums problems; because it contains a large amount of calcium, zinc and important vitamins.

• According to The watercress juice to improve vision and strengthen eyesight, preventing eye diseases such as macular degeneration and chronic weakness of view.

The watercress juice anti-inflammatory, and therefore contributes significantly in the treatment of colds and flu.

The watercress juice

The modus operandi of The watercress juice

We wash The watercress thoroughly with water .

smoothies for kids

Then take all the papers without legs .

smoothies for kids

 And put them in a blender for a few minutes, with the addition of water and honey or sugar to taste and ice cubes . 

Now  the watercress juice is ready to drink. 

smoothies for kids


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