Wednesday 2 November 2016

Orange juice is best smoothies for kids

The orange juice provides to  the body of our children  all kinds of vitamins, and the elements necessary for the growth of their bodies, and on top of these elements vitamin C.

Orange juice is best smoothies for kids

smoothies for kids

The benefits of orange juice:

- Protects the body of children from injury of seasonal diseases; and colds; through the contents of vitamins and minerals to increase the body's immune children and hence increase his immunity and his resistance significantly.

- Orange  smoothies for kids is useful and is profitable for the body of our children is liquidates blood and kills the worms and removes fever and kill it, and helps to falling the temperature caused by the fever and expels the phlegm and handy to clean the pharynx, larynx, cleaner College and bladder.

- It removes waste stomach intestines and cleans and The orange juice helps to heal wounds and heal skin diseases and is profitable for high blood pressure and strengthens the stomach and strengthens teeth and removes some of periodontal disease in the mouth and heartbreaking gravel and the sand expelled from the body.

- Strengthens the nerves, heart, a hypnotic and sedative and comfortable for the brain.

- And strengthens bones, nails, hair and teeth when our children and regulates the  respiratory  process and an anti coughing and flu and helps The orange juice on the expulsion of gases and regulates the action of muscles and veins increases calcium and is useful for Dermatology.

 When the child can deal with the Orange juice

smoothies for kids

The orange juice is an additional food for babies starting from the fourth or fifth week because of its nutritional and health benefits.

It was said in the popular sayings

((There are no health and safety in a place where there is no The orange juice))

In the latest scientific laboratories Orange juice contains:

69% c vitamin

b4% calcium

36% manganese nitrate

17% citric acid

32% mineral salts

1% vitamin against cancer

6% vitamin against rheumatism

9% natural sugar tonic

13% vitamin for bone building

16% catalyst for the healing of wounds

How to Make Orange Juice
- wash the orange  well first
- Then put them in the freezer for sixty minutes or more to taste.
- Confuse the above ingredients with three-quarters of a cup of water in a blender in order to obtain a smooth juice biggest possible picture.
-Then we offer after poured in cups of juice for our children in order to desire.
And can decorate the juice.

smoothies for kids


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